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JMF Audio celebrates 40 years of dedication to music

A complete JMF Audio ensemble will be presented at Munich’s Hifideluxe from May 15 to 17.
More information about our manufacture and the forthcoming projects will be unveiled soon.

New distributions in Norway and Israel

Long established Norsk Audioteknikk and Sonic Bliss have been granted the representation of JMF Audio in Norway and Israel respectively. Details can be found at the bottom of the contact section. More information soon.

Special event with band Living Colour at Power Station recording studios, New York

The JMF Audio amplification was selected for a loudspeaker world premiere at the iconic Power Station studios of Manhattan on December 5, 2024.
> Read more

JMF Audio is hiring - recrutement

Text in French: JMF Audio recrute un technicien supérieur en électronique/électrotechnique, consciencieux, organisé pour travail manuel minutieux, calibrations, mesures, contrôle qualité, gestion de stock. Maitrise de la langue Française obligatoire. Compréhension de l'anglais technique souhaitable. Niveau d'étude préférentiel BAC+2 domaine technique et/ou expérience/passion dans le domaine de l'audio. Une offre est publiée sur France Travail et Indeed.

GRAMMY Awards, three new nominations for JMF Audio’s partner 2L

Morten Lindberg nominated for “Producer of the year, Classical music”. 2L has employed the JMF Audio PCD 302 mains filtering solution since 2016.
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Golden Ear Award

Following their review earlier this year, the HQS 7001 mono power amplifiers and the companion PRS 1.5 preamplifier were granted of the Golden Ear Award by The Absolute Sound, USA.

> Reviews page

Hong Kong HKAV and Pacific Audio Fest, August 2024

JMF Audio amplification suites played music during the summer in Hong Kong and Seattle, USA.

> HKAV photos

> Pacific Audio Fest photos

PTA’s editor in chief Marc Phillips visits JMF Audio

"The JMF Audio factory tour might be my favorite manufacturer visit of all time…"

> Read the article

MUNICH 2024, Germany, May 9-12.

This year JMF Audio was presented in three rooms, at two different locations:

  • JMF Audio’s complete ensemble at the hifideluxe, in the largest room of the Marriott Hotel, Salon C, May 10-12.

  • JMF Audio’s analog suites including mains filtering at the High-End (MOC), Atrium 4.2 room E222 and in Hall 3 booth K08, May 9-10 for press and trade, May 11-12 for non-trade visitors.

> Read the summary

AXPONA 2024, USA, Chicago, April 12-14.

JMF Audio analog ensembles including mains filters will be presented at Axpona, Chicago, in two rooms : Room 480 and in the lobby’s Journey/Creation room.

Award Winner - preamplifier and power amplifier, April 2024

PRS 1.5 and HQS 9001 awarded as best audio amplification in the 25 years of history of hi-fi+ (UK / USA).

> Read Award page and review

GRAMMY Awards 2024, February 5th.

Our congratulations to Morten Lindberg nominated as Producer of the Year in Classical Music for 4 albums. The ceremony will take place on Feb. 5th. Since 2016, 2L’s productions have been made with the JMF Audio PCD 302 mains filter to power the recording equipment.

> Read GRAMMY Awards page

Stereophile review, USA, February 2024

We are glad to announce that a review of the HQS 7001 mono power amplifiers has been published in reference Stereophile magazine. We are thankful to senior and music loving reviewer Jason Vistor Serinus for his passion, enthusiasm and long interview.

> Read the article

Award Winner - preamplifier and power amplifier - cost no object, December 2023

PRS 1.5 and HQS 9001 awarded in the highest category by London based editor in chief Alan Sircom, hi-fi+.

> Read Award page and review

Website update, October 2023

After the transfer of the JMF Audio website to a new platform a year ago, the content of the pages has been updated. The PHS 7.3 and PHS 7.2 phono pre-amplifiers have received complete descriptions.
Our Policy & Warranty have been reported on a dedicated page, accessible from the Contact section.

HKAV 2023, Hong Kong, August 4-6

The new versions of the PRS 1.5 pre-amplifier and HQS 6002 power amplifier unveiled. Presentation with the PHS 7.3 phono pre-amplifier. Setups powered through PCD 302 and PCD 102 mains filters as well as PC3 cords. By Audio Exotics.

Chair Lady of the artist's fan club, who had listened to Danny Chan live many times, noted after the event: "I felt Danny Chan was brought back to live in front of me. I never ever thought it possible for audio reproduction to reach such realism." People gave standing ovations after each song during the listening session like at the concert.

Pacific Audio Fest 2023, USA, June 23-25

The new versions of the PRS 1.5 pre-amplifier and HQS 7001 mono power amplifier unveiled. Presentation with the PCD 102 mains filters, CM4 and SR8 cables, PC3 cords. By Audio Skies.

JMF Audio awarded Best Sound by Positive Feedback Online, Enjoy the Music, Part-Time Audiophile, and The Audio Analyst. Video interview by The Absolute Sound.

MUNICH’s Hifideluxe 2023, Germany, May 19-21.

Presentation of the JMF Audio's complete ensemble in the largest room of the Marriott Hotel. New power supply for the pre-amplifiers unveiled.

> Read the 2023 summary (NEW)

> Read the 2022 summary (NEW)

AXPONA 2023, USA, Chicago, April 14-16.

The HQS 6002 amplifier and PRS 1.5 preamplifier will be presented at Axpona, powered through the PCD 102 mains filter. All wired by JMF Audio. Welcome to Room 484, Audio Skies.

> Read the summary

POLARITY available on vinyl

GRAMMY Award winning label 2L releases a masterpiece of acoustic jazz on vinyl with POLARITY. We are honored to announce that this is the first vinyl record ever recorded using the JMF Audio's PCD 302 mains filter.

> List of the awarded recordings by 2L

Exclusive review of the HQS 9001 and PRS 1.5 following the interview in Hi-Fi+, UK and USA

Crème de la Crème, JMF Audio’s amplifiers achieve musical artistry”, review by London based editor in chief Alan Sircom, March 2023 issue, Nr. 217, following an interview: “JMF Audio, one of the best secrets in high-end audio...", Nr. 216.

> Read article

Image Hifi review, Germany

We are pleased to announce JMF Audio's HQS 6002 power amplifier review in "image hifi" Germany, 1/2023 Nr. 169, by senior journalist and writer Andreas Wenderoth.

> Read article

GRAMMY Awards 2023, two new nominations for 2L

Album “Tuvayhun”, by composer Kim André Arnesen nominated as “Best engineered album”. We are honored to announce that the recording equipment was powered through the JMF Audio PCD 302 mains filter and distributor.
> Read more

Welcome to the new website launched on November 8, 2022

All the electronic products are now presented in the new Orose® case and descriptions are being updated.
Although now operating on a platform allowing smart operation on a mobile, we have retained its original functionality and added further information.
The new website remains free of tracking cookies. Please refer to the legal notices at the bottom of the page.
We wish you a nice discovery or rediscovery.

The Capital Audio 2022, Washington, USA, November 11-13

HQS 7001 power amplifiers and PHS 7.2 phono stage premiere, presented along with the PRS 1.5 preamplifier, PCD 102 mains filter, PC3 cords and SR8 speaker cables. By North American representative Audio Skies.

Hi-Fi+ editor in chief Alan Sircom visits JMF Audio

After decades of near-secret R&D and manufacturing, JMF Audio opened doors of its 2'000m² facility to London based Hi-Fi+ editor in chief Alan Sircom for a two day tour.
> When music lovers meet

Axpona 2022, USA, Chicago

First presentation of JMF Audio in America since adoption of the power amplifiers by Nashville studios in 1989. HQS 6002 power amplifier, PRS 1.5 preamplifier, PCD 102 mains filter and PC3 cord. Presidential Suite by Audio Skies.
> Read the summary

Munich Hifideluxe 2022, Germany, May 19-21.

Presentation of the JMF Audio's complete ensemble, PHS 7.3 phono preamplifier premiere.
A summary of the event will be posted soon, in the meantime we suggest to read the previous report:
> Read the summary

Products evolutions February 2022

HQS 6002, HQS 7001, HQS 9001 power amplifiers, new version G
PRS 1.5 line preamplifier, new version F
More to be announced.

USA and Canada representation to be granted to Audio Skies (Los Angeles)

More to be announced.

Exclusive presentation of the PHS 7.3 and PHS 7.2 phono preamplifiers in Asia by representative Audioexotics for the Honk Kong HKAV. August 2021.

> Product page

PHS 7.3 and PHS 7.2, the highly anticipated phono preamplifiers, released June 2021.

> Product page

Grammy Awards 2021, 3 new nominations for 2L, albums recorded in Norway by Morten Lindberg with the JMF Audio PCD302.

> Read awards page

JMF Audio grants representation to new partners:

Germany, Austria and german speaking Switzerland to Ibex Audio > Read the article

Spain, Canary Islands to No-Limits Audio / Assai Audio.

JMF Audio's representative in Hong Kong awarded for its leadership and dedication.
> Read report (available soon)

PCD 102, the alternative to the acclaimed PCD 302 power line conditioner, released March 2021.

PCD 102 evaluated at "The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts".
> Read report

Grammy Awards 2020 winner : "LUX", album recorded with the JMF Audio PCD302 by 2L from Norway!  (Morten Lindberg also nominated as producer of the year)

> Read awards page

IHEAC Indonesia exhibition 2019.

Presentation of JMF Audio's state of the art analog solution. PHS 7.2 phono pre-amplifier's premiere in Asia.
> Read the article    (available soon) 

Development of the PHS 7.2 phono pre-amplifier,

representative of one of the largest vinyl collectors group in Europe visits JMF Audio.
> Read the article    (available soon) 

Musical summer. Meeting with the artists.   (links available soon)

> Youn Sun Nah
> Marcus Miller, tribute to Miles Davis and signed disc
> Jazz at Ronnie Scott's, London
> L'orchestre de la BBC au Royal Albert Hall joue Berlioz, Londres

Audiotechnique Magazine, Hong Kong, August 2019.

The JMF Audio analog instruments, PRS 1.5 pre-amplifier and HQS 1050 amplifiers, presented for review by Audio Exotics.
> Read the article

Munich Hifideluxe 2019, Germany, May 9-11.

JMF Audio's most complete ensemble ever, the largest listening room of Munich...
PHS 7.2 phono pre-amplifier's premiere.
> Read the article    (with JMF Audio's official follow up video) 

Grammy Awards 2019, two more nominations for albums recorded with the JMF Audio PCD302 by 2L!

> Read awards page

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the JMF Audio's power amplification recognition.

Soundville Studios, Lucerne, Switzerland 
> Read the article

High Fidelity magazine (Poland)

Exclusive interview about Blu-ray Pure Audio and the DMT 3.7 transport 
> Read the interview    (NEW  post of Particia Barber added October 1)

Hong Kong AV show 2018    August 10-12

Marvel Music to present JMF Audio in association with other brands equipment.
> Read the report

AE Super Hi-End Audio Seminar Hong Kong, July 7-8

Laurent Fusilier, co-owner of JMF Audio, will present a full JMF Audio ensemble in a dedicated room for the first time. An event by Audio Exotics and Audiotechnique magazine.
> Read the report    (NEW!  Show report added September 14)

The PRS1.5 preamplifier acclaimed by New York based multi-platinum record producer after 30 years of quest.

The JMF Audio technology tackles absolute fidelity test...
> Read more

Indonesian sales representative to visit JMF Audio,  "It is so nice I almost cried..."

> Read more

JMF Audio and the Blu-ray Pure Audio leaders meet at the 140th AES (Audio Engineering Society) convention       

> Read the report

Lindberg Lyd AS studios owned by multi Grammy Awards nominee Morten Lindberg (2L) to integrate the JMF Audio PCD302 and PC3 power line conditioning products in their recording unit, based on objective measurements.
We look forward to the next SACD and Blu-ray Pure Audio discs releases.  
> Read more